Climate Justice Speaker Discusses the Intersection of Environmental and Racial Justice

The Westport Library, Saugatuck Congregational Church, Sustainable Westport, and TEAM Westport recently partnered to bring Roosevelt Institute Director of Climate Policy and environmental justice advocate Rhiana Gunn-Wright to Westport for a special event entitled,  “It’s All Our Backyard: Just Transitions to Regional Sustainability.” 

Ms. Gunn-Wright started the conversation by sharing her journey from a young girl growing up on the south side of Chicago to becoming one of the architects of the Green New Deal and the Director of Climate Policy at the Roosevelt Institute. She described learning about environmental justice during her time as a policy analyst in Detroit and the powerful connection she made to her own personal experience living in a frontline community, suffering from asthma caused by pollution in her neighborhood.

Throughout the talk, Ms. Gunn-Wright shared examples that emphasized the interconnection of environmental and racial justice. She explained, “There is no way to talk about the climate crisis without talking about race. You aren’t adding an extra dimension, you’re just acknowledging a dimension that already exists.” In addition to sharing details and statistics, she continually highlighted how unjust policies and practices disproportionately impact people of color, not only economically but physically and emotionally as well.

After taking questions from the audience, Ms. Gunn-Wright shared her recommendations on how to create change as an individual; by voting, supporting local environmental justice organizations, and constantly creating pressure on organizations and government to do better.  

The talk was inspired by Westport’s commitment to becoming a sustainable, thriving community — economically, environmentally, and socially — and by our ongoing community-based efforts to dismantle systemic racism. Brought to you by The Westport Library, Saugatuck Congregational Church, Sustainable Westport, and TEAM Westport.